Art and crafts

Sell Arts & Crafts Supplies Online with GBCommerce

From beads and jewelry making supplies to handmade goods, there’s plenty of variety when it comes to selling arts and crafts supplies products online. If you’re selling arts and crafts products online, you know how important it is to reach your audience through the correct channels. GBCommerce is an omnichannel e-commerce management platform that can help you take charge of your business. No matter the size of your e-commerce business or your product configurations, GBCommerce gives you the tools you need to grow your profit.

GBCommerce is an omnichannel e-commerce growth platform that will allow your business to grow – all while saving time, money, and knowing that you have all your inventory and fulfillment under control. GBCommerce is the ultimate e-commerce management system.

About the Arts & Crafts Industry

As more craft brick-and-mortar craft stores close, crafters look to e-commerce retailers to buy the supplies they need. Plus, lots of crafters are looking for specific items when they’re buying their supplies – and online searches can be easier than wandering through a store. For suppliers of arts and craft products, it’s more important than ever to make sure your customers are able to get what they need easily.

Additionally, the e-commerce market is the perfect place for craft businesses to thrive – from Etsy to Amazon, it’s easier than ever to sell your creations online. For online businesses, exposure is everything, so the more channels you sell on, the better. Additionally, small businesses tend to have fewer employees – which means optimizing workflow is essential for many sellers of arts and crafts.

Improving your Arts & Crafts E-Commerce Business with GBCommerce

Manage everything you need for your e-commerce business with GBCommerce. Save money and time by automating processes and simplifying workflow and spend more time improving your products, planning ahead, and adding channels. Eliminate overselling and expand your online presence easily with GBCommerce. For arts and crafts stores with hundreds or even thousands of products, GBCommerce makes it easy to enter and update product specs across all channels from one place. Save time and make fewer errors by reducing the amount of data entry needed. Prevent stockouts and backorders by using predictive purchasing, which helps you forecast how much inventory you need based on how much you’ve used in the past. Manage orders from start to finish with ease. For all e-commerce businesses – and especially those selling handmade goods, using multiple channels can help gain exposure and sell more items.

While you’re busy crafting more items, let GBCommerce do the hard work. For example, automatically send out order confirmations and shipping notifications to customers. Making a mistake can be costly, so preventing mistakes all together by using GBCommerce’s purchasing and accounting tools. With so many automation options, there are fewer chances for mistakes. And with the precise tools offered – like GBCommerce’s 4D scale – you’ll know that you’re not overspending when it comes to shipping. Easily manage shipping, inventory, and more all from GBCommerce – no more going from platform to platform to do different tasks. With GBCommerce, there’s no need for special shipping or reporting apps. GBCommerce fully integrates with FBA, which allows a broader audience to see your products. Sell internationally with multi-language and multi-currency support and integrate with major shopping carts like Shopify.

Ready to take your e-commerce arts & crafts
supplies business to the next level with GBCommerce?

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