Fashion Clothing Accessories And Jewelry

Sell Fashion Clothing Accessories And Jewelry with GBCommerce

Take care of your sparkly inventory with GBCommerce. Our omnichannel e-commerce growth platform will help you expand your customer base and keep track of your inventory every step of the way. Sellercloud is full of useful features for your jewelry business.

Kit creation

Your jewelry sets can easily be grouped under one listing with GBCommerce kit creation. Each kit has a single SKU so you don’t run the risk of overselling any of the components.

Variation products

With product variations, you are able to post jewelry pieces with different sizes or colors to the same listing. Each variation will have a separate SKU.


You can set up specific predefined criteria to configure the way orders are processed. This will effectively optimize your fulfillment process and help you reduce shipping costs.

Serial number tracking

Track each piece by entering its unique serial number in Sellercloud. Track items as they move from warehouse to warehouse, or from one bin to another. You can also verify the authenticity of returned items.

Shadow listings

With GBCommerce Shadow SKUs, you can list one product into multiple product categories and still keep your inventory in sync.


Our Reporting suite offers insightful data relating to various areas of your business. From sales performance of your product line by channel to cost of goods sold (COGS), our reports help you make informed strategic decisions that can take your business to the next level.

Ready to take your e-commerce jewelry business
to the next level with GBCommerce?

Request a free consultation or demo today.

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